Red Rock Review

Red Rock Review is a biannual print and online publication that features poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction by emerging and established writers. Founded in 1996, Red Rock Review is housed and supported by The College of Southern Nevada. Publication of Red Rock Review is made possible by the School of Arts and Letters, the arts organizations of Nevada, and generosity of the community members of Las Vegas. 

Our submission periods for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry run from July 1st to Sept 30th and Dec 1st to Feb 28th. The submission periods for cover art run from May 1st to June 30th and Oct 1st to Nov 30th. In the event that we reach our Submittable cap for the month, submissions may close early. Please check back with us once the month resets!

To read our online issues, visit:

Ends on $2.00

Thank you for your interest in submitting to the Red Rock Review!

All genres are welcome, but we are particularly passionate about stories that celebrate the weird and extraordinary, that feature bold, unique voices, and that play with language and structure in new and interesting ways. We look forward to reading your best work!

Generally, we like submissions up to 5,000 words. However, if your story is truly exceptional but lands somewhere above 5,000, we'll still be excited to read it. Please send no more than one story or essay in a single submission.

All work must be previously unpublished. This means if your work has appeared in any print or online source (this includes personal blogs, websites, and social media pages), we cannot accept it.

We accept simultaneous submissions with the stipulation that you withdraw upon acceptance elsewhere. If you have previously published work with us, we ask that you please wait one year before sending us new work.

No AI submissions: We currently do not accept work from artificial intelligence (“AI”) generators or similar.


Formatting Guidelines:

  • File must be a .doc or .docx
  • Standard one-inch margins on all pages
  • Indent new paragraphs ½"
  • Approximate word count appears in the top right corner of page one
  • Text is double-spaced. Do not add extra blank lines between paragraphs unless creating section breaks, which should be marked with a pound sign.
  • We prefer to read all our submissions blind: Include your name, contact information, and a brief author bio in Submittable’s cover letter field and remove any identifying information from the manuscript itself.


Reading Fee:

  • $2.00 per submission
  • Because we are a hybrid journal that features both a print and online biannual publications, we have recently instituted a reading fee to cover the cost of maintaining our print edition.



  • Two free contributor copies
  • All pieces chosen for publication will be featured both online and in print
  • We welcome submissions from international authors but are unable to offer free shipping for copies heading outside of the domestic United States at this time. 
Ends on $2.00

Thank you Thank you for your interest in submitting to the Red Rock Review!

We seek poems with authentic views that push boundaries and have something unique to say about the human experience; we are particularly passionate about poems that use language to explore and evoke a deep sense of emotion, culture, place, or identity. We are open to reading both traditional form and bold experimental poetry, as well as original translations of previously published work. 

Generally, we like submissions of no more than 80 lines, though we are open to reading exceptional work that goes beyond that. Please send no more than five poems/ ten pages of poetry per submission. 

All work must be previously unpublished. This means if your work has appeared in any print or online source (this includes personal blogs, websites, and social media pages), we cannot accept it.

We accept simultaneous submissions with the stipulation that you withdraw upon acceptance elsewhere. For groups of poems, please send us a message indicating which poem is being withdrawn (do not withdraw the entire submission unless you intend to withdraw all poems from consideration). If you have previously published work with us, we ask that you please wait one year before sending us new work.

No AI submissions: We currently do not accept work from artificial intelligence (“AI”) generators or similar. 


Formatting Guidelines:

  • List the title(s) of your poem(s) as the name of your submission
  • Upload files as .doc or .docx
  • Left and right margins are set at the discretion of the poet; top margin (and bottom if necessary) should be 1" (keep in mind, however, when setting your line breaks, that the journal prints on a 6"x 9" page)
  • Lines of text may be single- or double-spaced
  • We prefer to read all our submissions blind: Include your name/ contact info and a brief author bio in in Submittable's cover letter field and remove any identifying information from the manuscript itself
  • For translations: We accept translations into English from any language; we are especially interested in translations from Spanish. You must have permission from the poem's copyright holder in order to translate/ publish it. We prefer to publish both the translation and the original work together when possible


Reading Fee:

  • $2.00 per submission
  • Because we are a hybrid journal that features both a print and online biannual publications, we have recently instituted a reading fee to cover the cost of maintaining our print edition.



  • Two free contributor copies
  • All pieces chosen for publication will be featured both online and in print 
  • We welcome submissions from international authors but are unable to offer free shipping for copies heading outside of the domestic United States at this time.  
Ends on $2.00

Thank you for your interest in submitting to the Red Rock Review!

We seek creative nonfiction narratives that are ambitious, thoughtfully crafted, and rich in detail; we are drawn to stories that challenge preconceived notions with authenticity and vulnerability. 

Generally, we like submissions up to 5,000 words. However, we are willing to read truly exceptional work that lands somewhere above 5,000. Please send no more than one story or essay per submission. 

All work must be previously unpublished. This means if your work has appeared in any print or online source (this includes personal blogs, websites, and social media pages), we cannot accept it.

We accept simultaneous submissions with the stipulation that you withdraw upon acceptance elsewhere. If you have previously published work with us, we ask that you please wait one year before sending us new work.

No AI submissions: We currently do not accept work from artificial intelligence (“AI”) generators or similar.


Formatting Guidelines:

  • File must be a .doc or .docx
  • Standard one-inch margins on all pages
  • Indent new paragraphs ½"
  • Approximate word count appears in the top right corner of page one
  • Text is double-spaced. Do not add extra blank lines between paragraphs unless creating section breaks, which should be marked with a pound sign.
  • We prefer to read all our submissions blind: Include your name, contact information, and a brief author bio in Submittable’s cover letter field and remove any identifying information from the manuscript itself.


Reading Fee:

  • $2.00 per submission
  • Because we are a hybrid journal that features both a print and online biannual publications, we have recently instituted a reading fee to cover the cost of maintaining our print edition.



  • Two free contributor copies
  • All pieces chosen for publication will be featured both online and in print
  • We welcome submissions from international authors but are unable to offer free shipping for copies heading outside of the domestic United States at this time.
Ends on

Thank you for your interest in submitting to the Red Rock Review!

We are seeking Cover Art for our upcoming issue of the Red Rock Review. All submissions must be original work. You can submit up to five (5) separate designs. Our covers are not theme-based, so we encourage artists to submit works demonstrating personal skill and aesthetic.

Please include your name, contact information, and a brief artist's bio in Submittable’s cover letter field. The artist must be the sole owner of the copyright of the submitted images/artwork. Artists accepted to be published will retain full copyrights of their images and receive two contributor copies of the journal.

All artwork must be previously unpublished. This means if your work has appeared in any print or online source (this includes personal blogs, websites, and social media pages), we cannot accept it.

We accept simultaneous submissions with the stipulation that you withdraw upon acceptance elsewhere. For groups of images, please send us a message indicating which image is being withdrawn (do not withdraw the entire submission unless you intend to withdraw all images from consideration).If you have previously published work with us, we ask that you please wait one year before sending us new work.

No AI submissions: We currently do not accept artwork from artificial intelligence (“AI”) generators or similar.


Formatting Guidelines:

All forms of media accepted:

  • Photography
  • Graphic Design
  • High resolution photographs of Visual Art (painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, etc.)

B&W and Color
High-res 300 dpi files that are 6” x 9” (1800 pixels x 2700 pixels) or larger. Strictly enforced.
Suggested file types:




  • Two free contributor copies
  • Artwork chosen for publication will be featured both online and on the print journal
  • We welcome submissions from international artists but are unable to offer free shipping for copies heading outside of the domestic United States at this time. 


Previous Covers:






Spring 2024, Issue 52  


Hannah M. Matzecki

Lisa Sewell

Patrick J. Murphy

& Others


Fall 2023, Issue 51 


Benjamin Faro

Jason Herman

Christine Overall

& Others


Spring 2023, Issue 50 


Sheila Black

Ryan White

Brent House

& Others


Back Issue Bundle - 2 Back Issues for $13

Specific issues may vary

Please contact us if you are looking for a specific back issue


Direct any purchasing inquiries to

1-year Subscription: $ 22.00

Includes the most recent issue, plus the upcoming issue (unless otherwise noted on your order form).

2--year Subscription: $44.00

Includes the most recent issue, plus the next 3 issues (unless otherwise noted on your order form).

Direct any purchasing inquiries to

Red Rock Review Literary Journal